The package release code is a 4-6 digit numerical code that is provided by the shipper and is different from the tracking number. *Note: While we'll notify you on shipment notifications or tracking status updates if you need a code to pick up your package, your shipper will provide the code directly to you.

The release form can be printed or provided to the Access Point location from your smart device at the time of pickup with a valid ID. The UPS package release form includes shipment/order details for the package (recipient or alternate name, shipper name, UPS Access Point location address, and tracking number). My Choice for business customers will be able to provide a UPS package release form when picking up packages. Option 5: This option is currently available only at The UPS Store locations. Option 4: Present a government-issued photo ID and your shipper-provided package release code (if required).*
If the last name or full address doesn't match, you’ll need to provide the package tracking number to the UPS Access Point representative. Option 3: Present a government-issued photo ID where the full address or name on the ID matches the full address or name on the package. If the address on the ID doesn't match the address on the package, please bring proof of residency that matches the address on the package, e.g. Option 2: Present a government-issued photo ID where the last name matches the last name on the package. Option 1: Present a government-issued photo ID where the last name and full address (including the suite or apartment number, if applicable) on the ID match the last name and full address on the package. One of the following identification requirements must be met when you pick up your package at a UPS Access Point ® location: When you track your package, you can also view the operating hours (weekend hours are available) and a map of where you will pick up your package. Before you go to the UPS Access Point location, track your package to confirm package location and that it’s “Awaiting Customer Pickup”. After 7 calendar days, your package will be returned to the sender as undeliverable.

I love shipping FedEx but I absolutely HATE receiving packages by FedEx.If you’re unavailable when UPS attempts delivery at your address, UPS may deliver your package to a UPS Access Point ® location near your home, where your package will be held for you to pick up for 7 calendar days.
I contacted support and they confirmed that they have removed access to the printed form and they are phasing out support and will no longer honor their form but you can hand print FedEx, signature and Date and it is up to the drivers discretion to accept hand written form. Affix to your front door before 8:00am on the day of your expected delivery. Your package cannot be delivered without a valid signature. Please mark your preferred delivery location and sign below. FedEx seems to be great for shippers and not so great for shippees, and this is going further down that path. Print this page and use this form if you will not be home on the day of your expected delivery. Removing support of signature release door cards is the opposite of progress for the package recipient. Our neighborhood has many incorrectly delivered package.Ģ) comes to my door where my delivery camera isģ) doesn't leave my package at the street in the rain (only FedEx leaves my packages at the end of my driveway - in the rain)

Electronic signature release means there is no guarantee the driver even makes it to your property. There are several use cases for printing a signature release form and leaving on door.